JPS meeting (Sep 16-19, 2024)
We attended the JPS meeting at Sapporo.
Sendai Tanabata Festival (Aug 8, 2024)
Tanabata decorations in the arcade.
Supraceramics meeting (Aug 6, 2024)
I attended a supraceramics meeting.
Budget meeting (Jun 3-4, 2024)
I participated in a scientific budget meeting at Kobe University.
ORNL (Mar 5-15, 2024)
Kawamata-kun, Umemoto-kun, and I performed an inelastic polarised neutron experiment on HB-1@HFIR/ORNL.
ANSTO (Feb 19-25, 2024)
Kawamata-kun and I conducted an inelastic polarised neutron experiment on SIKA@ANSTO.
Come toast! (Mar 26, 2024)
Tang-kun obtined his Ph.D.
Farawell (Jan 26, 2024)
We held a farewell party for Kawamoto-kun.
FONDER (Jan 9-17, 2024)
Araki-kun, Kawamata-kun, Umemoto-kun, and I performed a single-crystal diffraction experiment on Fonder@JRR-3.
Party (Dec 27, 2023)
We had a year-end party.
Gøran & Max (Nov 6-23, 2023)
Dr Gøran Nilsen (ISIS) and Prof. Maxim Avdeev (ANSTO/Univ. Sydney) visited us in Sendai.
Supraceramics meeting (Aug 7-9, 2023)
We hosted supraceramics meetings at Tohoku Univ. and Akiu Onsen.
ANSTO (2023.6.13-26)
Kawamata-kun and I performed single-crystal diffraction and inelastic polarised neutron scattering measurements at WOMBAT, TAIPAN@ANSTO.
ANSTO (2023.5.9-17)
Kawamoto-kun, Kawamata-kun, and I performed an inelastic polarised neutron scattering measurement at ANSTO.
Dielectric constant and electric polarisation measurement (2023.4.25)
A new sample stick for PPMS has been manufactured to measure the dielectric constant and electric polarisation.
Reliquefier delivered (2023.3.1-3)
A helium reliquefier for PPMS has been delivered and is now working properly.
Max visits (Oct 12-19, 2022)
Prof. Maxim Avdeev (ANSTO/Univ. Sydney) visited us in Sendai to give a talk, and we moved to Tokai to perform a powder neutron diffraction experiment.
Annapolis (Jul 25-29, 2022)
I was in the States for giving an invited talk. Annapolis is close to where I used to live, so things look quite familiar. I didn't expect I got infected during this stay...
ANSTO (Jun 7-15, 2022)
It's been a long time since the COVID-19 pandemic. Kawamoto-kun and I went to ANSTO in Australia and performed an inelastic polarised neutron scattering experiment, which was actually very challenging.
SPring-8 (Feb 5-8, 2022)
I had an opportunity to visit SPring-8 for an experiment. There was an unexpected malfunction of a fridge and resultant waiting time, so I went around the campus. I felt the atmosphere is like NIST or other facilities in the US, it is actually a very nice place.
International conference at Kobe (Dec 22-23, 2021)
I attended the international conference “International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures,” and gave an invited talk there. The photos were taken from my hotel near the venue, viewing the Kobe Airport side.