“Current-induced sliding motion in a helimagnet MnAu2”
Y. Kimoto, H. Masuda, T. Seki, Y. Nii, J. Ohe, Y. Nambu, Y. Onose
Physical Review Letters 134, 056702 (2025). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.056702]
“Moving states of magnetic skyrmions in MnSi under an alternating electric current flow”
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J. D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T. J. Sato
Neutron News 35, 29–32 (2025). [DOI:10.1080/10448632.2024.2437935]
“Magnetic excitations in the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7”
M. Kawamata, X. Pang, H. Murakawa, S. Ohira-Kawamura, K. Nakajima, H. Masuda, M. Fujita, N. Hanasaki, Y. Onose, Y. Nambu
Physical Review Materials 9, 014407 (2025). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.9.014407]
“Unusual spin dynamics in the van der Waals antiferromagnet FeGa2S4”
(Focus Issue: Frustrated Quantum Magnets)
Y. Tang, Y. Umemoto, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, S. Asai, Y. Ikeda, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 37, 035801 (2025). [DOI:10.1088/1361-648X/ad861a]
“Field-Induced Criticality in YbCu4Au”
T. Taniguchi, K. Osato, H. Okabe, T. Kitazawa, M. Kawamata, S. Hashimoto, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, D. P. Sari, I. Watanabe, J. G. Nakamura, A. Koda, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara, M. Mizumaki, N. Kawamura, T. Yamanaka, K. Hiraki, T. Sasaki, M. Fujita
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93, 124706 (2024). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.93.124706]
“Magnetic structure of the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7 through irreducible representation and magnetic space group analyses”
(Focused Issue: Magnetic Structures)
Y. Nambu, M. Kawamata, X. Pang, H. Murakawa, M. Avdeev, H. Kimura, H. Masuda, N. Hanasaki, Y. Onose
Acta Crystallographica B 80, 393-400 (2024). [DOI:10.1107/S2052520624007625]
“Detailed dynamics of a moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi observed using small-angle neutron scattering under an alternating electric current flow”
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J.D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
Physical Review B 110, 014431 (2024). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.110.014431] Editors’ Suggestion & Featured in Physics
“High proton conduction in the octahedral layers of fully hydrated hexagonal perovskite-related oxides”
K. Matsuzaki, K. Saito, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, M. Yashima
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 18544–18555 (2024). [DOI:10.1021/jacs.4c04325]
“Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics on PATH Triple-Axis Spectrometers AKANE and TOPAN”
(Special Topics: Restart of JRR-3 and Frontier Science of Reactor-Neutron Scattering)
Y. Ikeda, T. Taniguchi, S. Takada, Y. Nambu, M. Ohkawara, M. Fujita
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93, 091003 (2024). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.93.091003]
“Neutron powder diffractometer HERMES—after the decade suspension”
(Special Topics: Restart of JRR-3 and Frontier Science of Reactor-Neutron Scattering)
Y. Nambu, Y. Ikeda, T. Taniguchi, M. Ohkawara, M. Avdeev, M. Fujita
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93, 091005 (2024). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.93.091005]
“Antiferromagnetic ordering and chiral crystal structure transformation in Nd3Rh4Sn13”
A. Shimoda, K. Iwasa, K. Kuwahara, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, M. Ishikado, A. Nakao, S. Ohira-Kawamura, N. Murai, T. Ohhara, Y. Nambu
Physical Review B 109, 134425 (2024). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134425] Editors’ Suggestion
“Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization: spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb3Fe5O12”
(Special Collection: Magnonics)
Y. Kawamoto, T. Kikkawa, M. Kawamata, Y. Umemoto, A. G. Manning, K. C. Rule, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, M. Fujita, E. Saitoh, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu
Applied Physics Letters 124, 132406 (2024). [DOI:10.1063/5.0197831] Featured Article & AIP Publishing Showcase
“Nitrogen-Rich Molybdenum Nitride Synthesized in a Crucible under Air”
M. Demura, M. Nagao, C.-H. Lee, Y. Goto, Y. Nambu, M. Avdeev, Y. Masubuchi, T. Mitsudome, W. Sun, K. Tadanaga, and A. Miura
Inorganic Chemistry 63, 4989–4996 (2024). [DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c04345]
“Quantum criticality in YbCu4Ni”
K. Osato, T. Taniguchi, H. Okabe, T. Kitazawa, M. Kawamata, H. Zhao, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, D. P. Sari, I. Watanabe, J. G. Nakamura, A. Koda, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, M. Fujita
Physical Review B 109, 024435 (2024). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.109.024435]
“Thermal multiferroics in all-inorganic quasi-two-dimensional halide perovskites”
T. Zhu, X. Lu, T. Aoyama, K. Fujita, Y. Nambu, T. Saito, H. Takatsu, T. Kawasaki, T. Terauchi, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, H.-B. Li, C. Tessel, K. Ohgushi, J. M. Rondinelli, H. Kageyama
Nature Materials 23, 182–188 (2024). [DOI:10.1038/s41563-023-01759-y]
“Magnetic structure of the S = 1/2 staircase kagome lattice PbCu3TeO7”
J. Jansawang, S. Techathitinan, Y. Nambu, K. Matan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2653, 012045 (2023). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2653/1/012045]
“Dimer-Mediated Cooperative Mechanism of Ultrafast-Ion Conduction in Hexagonal Perovskite-Related Oxides”
Y. Sakuda, T. Murakami, M. Avdeev, K. Fujii, Y. Yasui, J. Hester, M. Hagihala, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, M. Yashima
Chemistry of Materials 35, 9774–9788 (2023). [DOI:10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c02378]
“Observation of Field-induced Single-ion Magnetic Anisotropy in a Multiorbital Kondo alloy (Lu,Yb)Rh2Zn20”
T. Kitazawa, Y. Ikeda, T. Sakakibara, A. Matsuo, Y. Shimizu, K. Kindo, Y. Nambu, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, M. Ohkawara, M. Fujita
Physical Review B 108, 085105 (2023). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.108.085105]
“High proton conduction in Ba2LuAlO5 with highly oxygen-deficient layers”
R. Morikawa, T. Murakami, K. Fujii, M. Avdeev, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, M. Yashima
Communications Materials 4, 42 (2023). [DOI:10.1038/s43246-023-00364-5]
“Neutron polarisation correction to triple-axis data with analytical derivations”
Y. Nambu, M. Enderle, T. Weber, K. Kakurai
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2481, 012004 (2023). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2481/1/012004]
“Partial breakdown of translation symmetry at a structural quantum critical point associated with a ferroelectric soft mode”
Y. Ishii, A. Yamamoto, N. Sato, Y. Nambu, S. Ohira-Kawamura, N. Murai, K. Ohara, S. Kawaguchi, T. Mori, S. Mori
Physical Review B 106, 134111 (2022). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.134111]
“Higher-order modulations in the skyrmion lattice phase of Cu2OSeO3”
J.D. Reim, S Matsuzaka, K. Makino, S. Aji, R. Murasaki, D. Higashi, D. Okuyama, Y. Nambu, E.P. Gilbert, N. Booth, S. Seki, Y. Tokura, T.J. Sato
Physical Review B 106, 104406 (2022). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.104406] Editors’ Suggestion
“SrV0.3Fe0.7O2.8: a Vacancy-Ordered Iron-Based Perovskite Exhibiting Room-Temperature Magnetoresistance”
T. Nagase, T. Nishikubo, M. Fukuda, Y. Sakai, K. Shigematsu, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, Q. Zhang, M. Matsuda, K. Mibu, M. Azuma, T. Yamamoto
Inorganic Chemistry 61, 8987–8991 (2022). [DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01137]
“Synthesis of Hydride-Doped Perovskite Stannate with Visible Light Absorption Capability”
M. Nakamura, H. Akamatsu, K. Fujii, Y. Nambu, Y. Ikeda, T. Kanazawa, S. Nozawa, M. Yashima, K. Hayashi, K. Maeda
Inorganic Chemistry 61, 6584–6593 (2022). [DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c00398]
“Breakdown of Linear Spin-wave Theory and Existence of Spinon Bound States in the Frustrated Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet”
K. Matan, T. Ono, K. Nakajima, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
Physical Review B 105, 134403 (2022). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134403]
“Triplon current generation in solids”
Y. Chen, M. Sato, Y. Tang, Y. Shiomi, K. Oyanagi, T. Masuda, Y. Nambu, M. Fujita, E. Saitoh
Nature Communications 12, 5199 (2021). [DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-25494-7]
“Enhanced Magnetic Interaction by Face-shared Hydride Anions in 6H-BaCrO2H”
K. Higashi, M. Ochi, Y. Nambu, T. Yamamoto, T. Murakami, N. Yamashina, C. Tassel, Y. Matsumoto, H. Takatsu, C.M. Brown, H. Kageyama
Inorganic Chemistry 60, 11957–11963 (2021). [DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c00992]
“Neutron Scattering Study on Yttrium Iron Garnet for Spintronics”
(Special Topics: Renewed Interest in the Physics of Ferrimagnets for Spintronics)
Y. Nambu, S. Shamoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 90, 081002 (2021). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.90.081002]
“絶縁体におけるスピン流伝播の微視的機構–マグノン極性の観測 (Microscopic view of the magnon spin current–observation of magnon polarization)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
日本物理学会誌 (BUTSURI) 76, 214–219 (2021). [DOI:10.11316/butsuri.76.4 214]
“東北大学金属材料研究所装置群HERMES, AKANE, TOPANの紹介 (Introductory Note of HERMES, AKANE, and TOPAN)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu), 池田陽一 (Y. Ikeda), 大河原学 (M. Ohkawara), 谷口貴紀 (T. Taniguchi), 藤田全基 (M.Fujita)
波紋 (HAMON) 31, 28–30 (2021). [DOI:10.5611/hamon.31.1 28]
“Metallic ground states of undoped Ti2O3 films induced by elongated c-axis lattice constant”
K. Yoshimatsu, N. Hasegawa, Y. Nambu, Y. Ishii, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Kumigashira
Scientific Reports 10, 22019 (2020). [DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-79182-5]
“Dichotomy between orbital and magnetic nematic instabilities in BaFe2S3”
S. Hosoi, T. Aoyama, K. Ishida, Y. Mizukami, K. Hashizume, S. Imaizumi, Y. Imai, K. Ohgushi, Y. Nambu, M. Kimata, S. Kimura, T. Shibauchi
Physical Review Research 2, 043293 (2020). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043293]
“Competing spin modulations in the magnetically frustrated semimetal EuCuSb”
H. Takahashi, K. Aono, Y. Nambu, R. Kiyanagi, T. Nomoto, M. Sakano, K. Ishizaka, R. Arita, S. Ishiwata
Physical Review B 102, 174425 (2020). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.102.174425]
“Impact of the Lattice on Magnetic Properties and Possible Spin Nematicity in the S = 1 Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
M.E. Valentine, T. Higo, Y. Nambu, D. Chaudhuri, J. Wen, C. Broholm, S. Nakatsuji, N. Drichko
Physical Review Letters 125, 197201 (2020). [DOI:10.1103/ PhysRevLett.125.197201]
“Observation of Magnon Polarization”
Y. Nambu, J. Barker, Y. Okino, T. Kikkawa, Y. Shiomi, M. Enderle, T. Weber, B. Winn, M. Graves-Brook, J. Tranquada, T. Ziman, M. Fujita, G.E.W. Bauer, E. Saitoh, K. Kakurai
Physical Review Letters 125, 027201 (2020). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.027201] Editors’ Suggestion
“Structural, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of iron-based ladder compounds BaFe2(S1−xSex)3”
S. Imaizumi, T. Aoyama, R. Kimura, K. Sasaki, Y. Nambu, M. Avdeev, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, Y. Imai, K. Ohgushi
Physical Review B 102, 035104 (2020). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.102.035104]
“POLANO: Wide angle spin analysis using polarising supermirrors m = 5.5”
M. Schneider, C. Schanzer, P. Böni, U. Filges, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu, M. Ohkawara, T. Yokoo, S. Itoh
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 976, 164272 (2020). [DOI:10.1016/j.nima.2020.164272]
“High-pressure Synthesis of Ba2CoO2Ag2Te2 with Extended CoO2 Planes”
Y. Matsumoto, Y. Nambu, T. Honda, K. Ikeda, T. Otomo, H. Kageyama
Inorganic Chemistry 59, 8121–8126 (2020). [DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00429]
“電流下における磁気スキルミオン格子の塑性変形 (Plastic deformation of the magnetic skyrmion lattice under electric current flow)” (in Japanese)
奥山大輔 (D. Okuyama), 東大樹 (D. Higashi), 南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu), 佐藤卓 (T.J. Sato)
波紋 (HAMON) 29, 171–175 (2019). [DOI:10.5611/hamon.29.4 171]
“Realization of interlayer ferromagnetic interaction in MnSb2Te4 toward the magnetic Weyl semimetal state”
T. Murakami, Y. Nambu, T. Koretsune, G. Xiangyu, T. Yamamoto, C.M. Brown, H. Kageyama
Physical Review B 100, 195103 (2019). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.100.195103]
“A Semimetallic State in La3Ir3O11 with the KSbO3 Structure”
T. Aoyama, K. Emi, C. Tabata, Y. Nambu, H. Nakao, T. Yamauchi, K. Ohgushi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88, 093706 (2019). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.88.093706]
“Deformation of the moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi under electric current flow”
D. Okuyama, M. Bleue, J.S. White, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, G. Nagy, Z.Q. Im, I. Živković, M. Bartkowiak, H.M. Rønnow, S. Hoshino, J. Iwasaki, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, D. Higashi, J.D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
Communications Physics 2, 79 (2019). [DOI:10.1038/s42005-019-0175-z]
“Polar state induced by block-type lattice distortions in BaFe2Se3 with quasi-one-dimensional ladder structure”
T. Aoyama, S. Imaizumi, T. Togashi, Y. Sato, K. Hashizume, Y. Nambu, Y. Hirata, M. Matsubara, K. Ohgushi
Physical Review B 99, 241109(R) (2019). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.241109]
“Magnetic structure and high-field magnetization of the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Cs2Cu3SnF12”
K. Matan, T. Ono, G. Gitgeatpong, K. de Roos, P. Miao, S. Torii, T. Kamiyama, A. Miyata, A. Matsuo, K. Kindo, S. Takeyama, Y. Nambu, P. Piyawongwatthana, T.J. Sato, H. Tanaka
Physical Review B 99, 224404 (2019). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.224404]
“梯子型鉄系化合物BaFe2S3における圧力誘起超伝導 (Pressure-induced superconductivity in Fe-based ladder material BaFe2S3)” (in Japanese)
山内徹 (T. Yamauchi), 平田靖透 (Y. Hirata), 高橋博樹 (H. Takahashi), 南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu), 佐藤卓 (T.J. Sato), 大串研也 (K. Ohgushi)
固体物理 (Solid State Physics) 54, 27–42 (2019).
“High-pressure electrical resistivity studies for Ba1−xCsxFe2Se3”
C. Kawashima, H. Soeda, H. Takahashi, T. Hawai, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato, Y. Hirata, K. Ohgushi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 950, 042031 (2017). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/950/4/042031]
“Development of a polarized 3He neutron spin filter for POLANO at J-PARC”
T. Ino, M. Ohkawara, K. Ohoyama, T. Yokoo, S. Itoh, Y. Nambu, M. Fujita, H. Kira, H. Hayashida, K. Hiroi, K. Sakai, T. Oku, K. Kakurai
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 862, 012011 (2017). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/862/1/012011]
“Impact of minute-time-scale kinetics on the stabilization of the skyrmion-lattice in Cu2OSeO3”
J.D. Reim, K. Makino, D. Higashi, Y. Nambu, D. Okuyama, T.J. Sato, E.P. Gilbert, N. Booth, S. Seki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 828, 012004 (2017). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/828/1/012004]
“Thermal stability and irreversibility of skyrmion-lattice phases in Cu2OSeO3”
K. Makino, J.D. Reim, D. Higashi, D. Okuyama, T.J. Sato, Y. Nambu, E.P. Gilbert, N. Booth, S. Seki, Y. Tokura
Physical Review B 95, 134412 (2017). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.134412]
“Pressure-Induced Metallization in Iron-Based Ladder Compounds Ba1−xCsxFe2Se3”
T. Hawai, C. Kawashima, K. Ohgushi, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Nambu, Y. Uwatoko, T.J. Sato, H. Takahashi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86, 024701 (2017). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.86.024701]
“Magnetic Reversal of Electric Polarization with Fixed Chirality of Magnetic Structure in a Chiral-Lattice Helimagnet MnSb2O6”
M. Kinoshita, S. Seki, T.J. Sato, Y. Nambu, T. Hong, M. Matsuda, H.B. Cao, S. Ishiwata, Y. Tokura
Physical Review Letters 117, 047201 (2016). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.047201]
“Science from the initial operation of HRC”
S. Itoh, T. Yokoo, T. Masuda, H. Yoshizawa, M. Soda, Y. Ikeda, S. Ibuka, D. Kawana, T.J. Sato, Y. Nambu, K. Kuwahara, S. Yano, J. Akimitsu, Y. Kaneko, Y. Tokura, M. Fujita, M. Hase, K. Iwasa, H. Hiraka, T. Fukuda, K. Ikeuchi, K. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, K. Ono, Y. Endoh
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Conference Proceedings 8, 034001 (2015). [DOI:10.7566/JPSCP.8.034001]
“Spin Fluctuations from Hertz to Terahertz on a Triangular Lattice”
Y. Nambu, J.S. Gardner, D.E. MacLaughlin, C. Stock, H. Endo, S. Jonas, T.J. Sato, S. Nakatsuj, C. Broholm
Physical Review Letters 115, 127202 (2015). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.127202]
“Pressure-induced Superconductivity in the Iron-based Ladder Material BaFe2S3”
H. Takahashi, A. Sugimoto, Y. Nambu, T. Yamauchi, Y. Hirata, T. Kawakami, M. Avdeev, K. Matsubayashi, F. Du, C. Kawashima, H. Soeda, S. Nakano, Y. Uwatoko, Y. Ueda, T.J. Sato, K. Ohgushi
Nature Materials 14, 1008–1012 (2015). [DOI:10.1038/nmat4351]
“Temperature and composition phase diagram in the iron-based ladder compounds Ba1−xCsxFe2Se3”
T. Hawai, Y. Nambu, K. Ohgushi, F. Du, Y. Hirata, M. Avdeev, Y. Uwatoko, Y. Sekine, H. Fukazawa, J. Ma, S. Chi, Y. Ueda, H. Yoshizawa, T.J. Sato
Physical Review B 91, 184416 (2015). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.91.184416]
“中性子散乱を用いた次元性の異なる物質からの鉄系超伝導へのアプローチ (Approach to the iron-based superconductivity through neutron scattering on separate dimensional materials)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
波紋 (HAMON) 25, 141–144 (2015). [DOI:10.5611/hamon.25.2 141]
“籠目格子反強磁性体での特異な量子効果―磁気励起に現れる負の量子規格化― (Unusual Quantum Effect on the Spin Wave Excitations)” (in Japanese)
小野俊雄 (T. Ono), K. Matan, 南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu), 佐藤卓 (T.J. Sato), 田中秀数 (H. Tanaka)
固体物理 (Solid State Physics) 49, 671–679 (2014).
“Anisotropic in-plane spin correlation in the parent and Co-doped BaFe2As2: a neutron scattering study”
S. Ibuka, Y. Nambu, T. Yamazaki, M.D. Lumsden, T.J. Sato
Physica C 507, 25–30 (2014). [DOI:10.1016/j.physc.2014.09.012]
“Magnetism and its interplay with lattice in the iron-based ladder compounds”
Y. Nambu, T. Hawai, T.J. Sato, K. Ohgushi
Acta Crystallographica Section A 70, C1461 (2014). [DOI:10.1107/S2053273314085386]
“Magnetic structure of the chiral triangular magnet MnSb2O6”
T.J. Sato, Y. Nambu, T. Hong, M. Matsuda, H. Cao, M. Kinoshita, S. Seki, S. Ishiwata, Y. Tokura
Acta Crystallographica Section A 70, C387 (2014). [DOI:10.1107/S2053273314096120]
“Large Negative Quantum Renormalization of Excitation Energies in the Spin-1/2 Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet Cs2Cu3SnF12”
T. Ono, K. Matan, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato, K. Katayama, S. Hirata, H. Tanaka
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 043701 (2014). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.83.043701] Editors’ Choice
“Ghost modes and continuum scattering in the dimerized distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Rb2Cu3SnF12”
K. Matan, Y. Nambu, Y. Zhao, T.J. Sato, Y. Fukumoto, T. Ono, H. Tanaka, C. Broholm, A. Podlesnyak, G. Ehlers
Physical Review B 89, 024414 (2014). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.89.024414]
“Structural and magnetic properties in the quantum S = 1/2 dimer systems Ba3(Cr1−xVx)2O8 with site disorder”
T. Hong, L.Y. Zhu, X. Ke, V.O. Garlea, Y. Qiu, Y. Nambu, H. Yoshizawa, M. Zhu, G.E. Granroth, A.T. Savici, Z. Gai, H.D. Zhou
Physical Review B 87, 144427 (2013). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.144427]
“三角格子反強磁性体NiGa2S4の二次元磁性 (Two-Dimensional Magnetism in the Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4)” (in Japanese)
特集: フラストレーション (Special Issue: Frustration)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
波紋 (HAMON) 23, 19–24 (2013). [DOI:10.5611/hamon.23.1 19]
“Ferroquadrupolar ordering in PrTi2Al20”
T.J. Sato, S. Ibuka, Y. Nambu, T. Yamazaki, T. Hong, A. Sakai, S. Nakatsuji
Physical Review B 86, 184419 (2012). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.184419]
“Spin dynamics and spin freezing in the triangular lattice antiferromagnets FeGa2S4 and NiGa2S4”
S. Zhao, P. Dalmas de Rëotier, A. Yaouanc, D.E. MacLaughlin, J.M. Mackie, O.O. Bernal, Y. Nambu, T. Higo, S. Nakatsuji
Physical Review B 86, 064435 (2012). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.064435]
“Stripelike magnetism in a mixed-valence insulating state of Fe-based ladder compound CsFe2Se3”
F. Du, K. Ohgushi, Y. Nambu, T. Kawakami, M. Avdeev, Y. Hirata, Y. Watanabe, T.J. Sato, Y. Ueda
Physical Review B 85, 214436 (2012). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.214436]
“中性子散乱による磁気構造解析 (Magnetic Structure Analysis by Neutron Diffraction Techniques)” (in Japanese)
特集「中性子による構造解析の最前線」 (Special Issue: Characterization of Materials by Frontier Neutron Techniques)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
表面科学 (Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan) 33, 302–307 (2012). [DOI:0.1380/jsssj.33.302]
“Evidence for an exotic magnetic transition in the triangular spin system FeGa2S4”
P. Dalmas de Rëotier, A. Yaouanc, D.E. MacLaughlin, S. Zhao, T. Higo, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, C. Marin, A. Amato, C. Baines
Physical Review B 85, 140407(R) (2012). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.140407]
“Block magnetism coupled with local distortion in the iron-based spin-ladder compound BaFe2Se3”
Y. Nambu, K. Ohgushi, S. Suzuki, F. Du, M. Avdeev, Y. Uwatoko, K. Munakata, H. Fukazawa, S. Chi, Y. Ueda, T.J. Sato
Physical Review B 85, 064413 (2012). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.064413]
“鉄系化合物における磁気構造-CaFe4As3の複雑な磁性から (Magnetic Structures of Iron-based Materials: Through Complex Magnetism of CaFe4As3)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
波紋 (HAMON) 21, 160–163 (2011). [DOI:10.5611/hamon.21.3 160]
“Successive phase transitions and phase diagrams for the quasi-two-dimensional easy-axis triangular antiferromagnet Rb4Mn(MoO4)3”
R. Ishii, S. Tanaka, K. Onuma, Y. Nambu, M. Tokunaga, T. Sakakibara, N. Kawashima, Y. Maeno, C. Broholm, D.P. Gartreaux, J.Y. Chan, S. Nakatsuji
Europhysics Letters 94, 17001 (2011). [DOI:10.1209/0295-5075/94/17001]
“Two-dimensional magnetism and spin-size effect in the S = 1 triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
(Special Issue on Geometrically Frustrated Magnetism)
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 164202 (2011). [DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/23/16/164202]
“Incommensurate Magnetism in FeAs Strips: Neutron Scattering from CaFe4As3”
Y. Nambu, L.L. Zhao, E. Morosan, K. Kim, G. Kotliar, P. Zajdel, M.A. Green, W. Ratcliff, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, C. Broholm
Physical Review Letters 106, 037201 (2011). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.037201]
“Neutron-Scattering Measurement of Incommensurate Short-Range Order in Single Crystals of the S = 1 Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
C. Stock, S. Jonas, C. Broholm, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, Y. Maeno, J.-H. Chung
Physical Review Letters 105, 037402 (2010). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.037402]
“Muons and Frustrated Magnetism in NiGa2S4 and Pr2Ir2O7”
D.E. MacLaughlin, Y. Nambu, Y. Ohta, Y. Machida, S. Nakatsuji, O.O. Bernal
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 225, 012031 (2010). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/225/1/012031]
“Separation between Low-Energy Hole Dynamics and Spin Dynamics in a Frustrated Magnet”
K. Takubo, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Wakisaka, T. Sudayama, D. Fournier, G. Levy, A. Damascelli, M. Arita, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, T. Mizokawa
Physical Review Letters 104, 226404 (2010). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.226404]
“High-Field ESR and Magnetization of the Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, M. Hagiwara, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, A. Matsuo, K. Kindo
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 054710 (2010). [DOI:10.1143/JPSJ.79.054710]
“Crystal growth, structure, and physical properties of Ln(Cu,Al)12 (Ln = Y, Ce, Pr, Sm, and Yb) and Ln(Cu,Ga)12 (Ln = Y, Gd-Er, and Yb)”
B.L. Drake, C. Capan, J.Y. Cho, Y. Nambu, K. Kuga, Y.M. Xiong, A.B. Karki, S. Nakatsuji, P.W. Adams, D.P. Young, J.Y. Chan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 066001 (2010). [DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/22/6/066001]
“Novel Geometrical Frustration Effects in the 2D Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and Related Compounds”
(Special Topics: Novel States of Matter Induced by Frustration)
S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, S. Onoda
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 011003 (2010). [DOI:10.1143/JPSJ.79.011003]
“High-Field and Multi-Frequency ESR in the Two-Dimensional Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, M. Hagiwara, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, K. Kindo
Applied Magnetic Resonance 36, 285–289 (2009). [DOI:10.1007/s00723-009-0017-3]
“Pressure Dependence of Electrical Transport in the Triangular Antiferromagnetic Insulators FeGa2S4 and Fe2Ga2S5”
T. Tomita, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, S. Koeda, M. Hedo, Y. Uwatoko
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78, 094603 (2009). [DOI:10.1143/JPSJ.78.094603]
“Crystal Growth, Structure, and Physical Properties of Ln(Cu,Ga)13−x (Ln = La-Nd, Eu; x ≈ 0.2)”
J.Y. Cho, E.L. Thomas, Y. Nambu, C. Capan, A.B. Karki, D.P. Young, S. Nakatsuji, J.Y. Chan
Chemistry of Materials 21, 3072–3078 (2009). [DOI:10.1021/cm803297q]
“Structural properties of the two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu, R.T. Macaluso, T. Higo, K. Ishida, S. Nakatsuji
Physical Review B 79, 214108 (2009). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.214108]
“Electronic structure study of triangular lattices in FeGa2S4, Fe2Ga2S5, and NiGa2S4:photoemission spectroscopy and Hartree-Fock calculations”
K. Takubo, T. Mizokawa, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji
Physical Review B 79, 134422 (2009). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.134422]
“Unconventional spin freezing and fluctuations in the frustrated antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
D.E. MacLaughlin, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Ishida, R.H. Heffner, L. Shu, O.O. Bernal
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 145, 012040 (2009). [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/145/1/012040]
“Unconventional spin freezing and fluctuations in the frustrated antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
D.E. MacLaughlin, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, R.H. Heffner, L. Shu, O.O. Bernal, K. Ishida
Physical Review B 78, 220403(R) (2008). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.220403]
“Spin Dependent Impurity Effects on the 2D Frustrated Magnetism of NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, E.K. Okudzeto, J.Y. Chan
Physical Review Letters 101, 207204 (2008). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.207204]
“High-field electron spin resonance in the two-dimensional triangular-lattice antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, M. Hagiwara, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, K. Kindo
Physical Review B 78, 180404(R) (2008). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.180404]
“Crystal growth, structure and physical properties of Ln(CuGa)13 compounds (Ln = La-Nd, Eu)”
J. Y. Cho, C. Capan, A. B. Karki, D. P. Young, E. L. Thomas, W. Wong-Ng, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, J. Y. Chan
Acta Crystallographica Section A 64, C541 (2008). [DOI:10.1107/S0108767308082627]
“Synthesis and Characterization of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet Ni1−xMxGa2S4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Zn)”
Y. Nambu, M. Ichihara, Y. Kiuchi, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
Journal of Crystal Growth 310, 1881–1885 (2008). [DOI:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.11.222]
“Spin dynamics and spin freezing behavior in the two-dimensional antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 revealed by Ga- NMR, NQR and μSR measurements”
H. Takeya, K. Ishida, K. Kitagawa, Y. Ihara, K. Onuma, Y. Maeno, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, D.E. MacLaughlin, A. Koda, R. Kadono
Physical Review B 77, 054429 (2008). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.054429]
“Spin Disorder and Order in Quasi-2D Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnets: Comparative Study of FeGa2S4, Fe2Ga2S5, and NiGa2S4”
S. Nakatsuji, H. Tonomura, K. Onuma, Y. Nambu, O. Sakai, Y. Maeno, R.T. Macaluso, J.Y. Chan
Physical Review Letters 99, 157203 (2007). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.157203]
“Unusual Superexchange Pathways in an NiS2 Triangular Lattice with Negative Charge-Transfer Energy”
K. Takubo, T. Mizokawa, J.-Y. Son, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, H. Tonomura, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
Physical Review Letters 99, 037203 (2007). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.037203]
“二次元三角格子上で実現したスピンの無秩序な量子状態 (Spin Disordered State in a Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu), 中辻知 (S. Nakatsuji), 前野悦輝 (Y. Maeno)
日本物理学会誌(BUTSURI) 62, 254–259 (2007).
“Coherent behavior without magnetic order of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, S. Jonas, C. Broholm, Y. Maeno
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 145232 (2007). [DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/19/14/145232]
“Nonmagnetic Impurity Effects on the Spin Disordered State in NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 1316–1318 (2007). [DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.10.1011]
“Slow Inhomogeneous Spin Dynamics in the Frustrated Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
D.E. MacLaughlin, R.H. Heffner, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Ishida, O.O. Bernal, L. Shu
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 1300–1302 (2007).
“三角格子反強磁性体NiGa2S4におけるスピン無秩序状態とその不純物効果 (Spin disordered state and its impurity effects in the triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4)” (in Japanese)
南部雄亮 (Y. Nambu)
物性研究 (Bussei Kenkyu) 86, 573–618 (2006).
“Coherent Behavior and Nonmagnetic Impurity Effects of Spin Disordered State in NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75, 043711 (2006). [DOI:10.1143/JPSJ.75.043711]
“Spin Disorder on a Triangular Lattice”
S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, H. Tonomura, O. Sakai, S. Jonas, C. Broholm, H. Tsunetsugu, Y. Qiu, Y. Maeno
Science 309, 1697–1700 (2005). [DOI:10.1126/science.1114727]
“Neutron Diffraction”
Y. Nambu
The 8th Neutron and Muon School, J-PARC MLF & JRR-3, Tokai, Japan, December (2024).
“Neutron scattering studies for spin dynamics in terbium iron garnets”
Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, K. Rule, A. Manning, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, K. Kakurai, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
REIMEI-GIMRT workshop “Quantum Beams Study of the Dynamics of Rare Earth Garnets”, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, August (2023).
“van der Waals磁性体におけるトポロジカル転移”
金研研究会∼ 強相関物質における創発物性研究の現状と将来展望∼, 東北大学金属材料研究所, 2023年4月
“Observation of the spin-current carrier with Px polarized neutrons”
Y. Nambu
Polarized Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations, Graduate Annapolis Hotel, Annapolis, USA, July (2022).
“Microscopic views of the spin current carrier in insulating spintronic materials”
Y. Nambu
Magnetic and Optics Research International Symposium (MORIS) 2022, Shimane Prefectural Convention Center, Shimane, Japan, May (2022).
“Possible chirality-driven topological transition on a triangular lattice”
Y. Nambu
International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“Probing Spins with Neutrons–from their Arrangement to Precessional Motion”
Y. Nambu
Materials Research Meeting 2021, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, December (2021).
“Observation of magnon polarization through neutron scattering”
日本磁気学会第44回学術講演会, Electromagnetic responses in wideband from GHz to visible light region, オンライン開催, 2020年12月
“Magnon polarization observation through neutron scattering”
Y. Nambu
The 3rd Symposium for the Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics, Sendai International Center, Japan, February (2020).
“Dynamical magnetism in iron-based ladder compounds”
Y. Nambu
Research Frontier of Advanced Spectroscopies for Correlated Electron Systems, IMR Tohoku Univ., Japan, June (2019).
“Role of magnon mode helicity in the spin current”
Y. Nambu
53rd REIMEI International Workshop “New excitations in spintronics,” Renvyle House Hotel, Connemara, Ireland, February (2019).
“Helicity of magnon modes in YIG”
Y. Nambu
The 17th Japan-Korea Meeting on Neutron Science, KW convention center, Daejeon, Korea, January (2019).
“Magnetic excitations in YIG: Neutron scattering study”
Y. Nambu
Reimei/GP-Spin/ICC-IMR International Workshop “New Excitations in Spintronics,” IMR, Tohoku University, Japan, January (2018).
“Magnetic excitations in YIG revisited”
Y. Nambu
The 37th REIMEI Workshop on Frontiers of Correlated Quantum Matters and Spintronics, iViL Tokai, Japan, January (2017).
“Magnetism of the triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and introduction of POLANO”
Y. Nambu
Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations, Kardinal-Döpfner Haus, Freising, Germany, July (2016).
Workshop: CROSSroads of Users and J-PARC 第18回「偏極ターゲットと偏極中性子技術開発」, いばらき量子ビーム研究センター, 2016年6月
“Electric-field driven motion of slyrmion lattices in the chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3”
Y. Nambu
Research Frontier of Transition-metal Compounds Opened by Advanced Spectroscopies, IMR Tohoku University, Japan, October (2014).
“Spin Dynamics of the 2D Magnet NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu
Nikko Joint Conference between 10th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) and 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers (WINS), Nikko Public Meeting Hall, Nikko, Japan, October (2012).
第2回「物質科学セミナー in 柏」, 新領域基盤棟2階基盤棟共通セミナー室, 2012年6月
“Incommensurate magnetism and lock-in transition in CaFe4As3”
Y. Nambu
The 11th Japan-Korea Meeting on Neutron Science, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, January (2011).
“Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Impurity Effects on the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4”
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
The 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, The Grand America and Little America Hotels, Salt Lake City, USA, August (2007).
“Magnetic structures of transition metal substituted ErCo2” (poster)
S.R. Larsen, N. Terada, H. Mamiya, X. Tang, H. Amin-Sepehri, Y. Nambu, D. Okuyama
日本中性子科学会第23回年会, 名古屋国際会議場, 2024年12月
“六方ペロブスカイト関連酸化物Ba7Nb3.8Mo1.2O20.1のイオン伝導とそのメカニズム” (poster)
作田祐一, 村上泰斗, Maxim Avdeev, 藤井孝太郎, 安井雄太, James R. Hester, 萩原雅人, 池田陽一, 南部雄亮, 八島正知
日本中性子科学会第23回年会, 名古屋国際会議場, 2024年12月
“High-pressure synthesis and electronic properties of ilmenite-type MnGeO3” (talk)
I. Aoki, M. Suzuki, S. Asai, Y. Nambu, T. Kida, Y. Narumi, M. Hagiwara, T. Masuda, K. Kimura
The 18th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA 2024), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, December (2024).
“Current status of a triple-axis neutron spectrometer 6G-TOPAN” (poster)
Y. Ikeda, M. Ohkawara, S. Takada, Y. Nambu, T. Taniguchi, M. Fujita
Summit of Materials Science 2024 and GIMRT User Meeting 2024, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, November (2024).
“Dynamics of a moving mangetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi under an alternating curret flow” (talk)
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J. D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T. J. Sato
XIX International Small-Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2024), Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, November (2024).
“Higher-order modulations in the skyrmion lattice phase of Cu2OSeO3” (talk)
T. J. Sato, J. D. Reim, S. Matsuzaka, K. Makino, S. Aji, R. Murasaki, D. Higashi, D. Okuyama, Y. Nambu, E. P. Gilbert, N. Booth, S. Seki, Y. Tokura
XIX International Small-Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2024), Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, November (2024).
“Current Status of the Tohoku University Polarization Analysis Neutron Spectrometer 6G-TOPAN in 2024” (poster)
Y. Ikeda, M. Ohkawara, S. Takada, Y. Nambu, T. Taniguchi, M. Fujita
Workshop on Polarized Neutron Sciences and Technology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October (2024).
“Development of Battery Cells for Operando SANS Measurements” (poster)
K. Ohishi, D. Igarashi, R. Tatara, K. Nakamoto, Y. Kawamura, T. Morikawa, K. Hiroi, S. Takata, Y. Umemoto, Y. Nambu, S. Komaba
The 4th J-PARC Symposium 2024, Mito City Civic Center, Mito, Japan, October (2024).
“Revealing Coupled Structural Parameters in Halide Perovskites through Neutron Powder Diffraction and Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering” (talk)
T. Zhu, T. Aoyama, Y. Nambu, T. Saito, O. Yamamuro, H. Kageyama
JRR-3東北大装置Users Meeting 2024, 東北大学金属材料研究所, 2024年10月
“The influence of doping on the magnetic and atomic structures of the magnetocaloric material ErCo2” (poster)
S. R. Larsen, N. Terada, X. Tang, H. Sepehri-Amin, H. Mamiya, Y. Nambu
International Conference on Magnetism, Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi, Bologna, Italy, June–July (2024).
“中性子回折実験による六方ペロブスカイト関連酸化物Ba7Nb4MoO20系材料の結晶構造とイオン伝導メカニズム” (poster)
作田祐一, 村上泰斗, Maxim Avdeev, 藤井孝太郎, 安井雄太, James R. Hester, 萩原雅人, 池田陽一, 南部雄亮, 八島正知
2023年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ, 水戸市民会館, 2024年3月
“Exploration of magnetism and flat bands in novel Kagome magnets” (talk)
R. Misawa, R. Yamada, R. Nakano, M. Jovanovic, M. Avdeev, T. Arima, Y. Nambu, L. Schoop, M. Hirschberger
German Physical Society Spring Meeting 2024, Greifswald, Germany, February (2024).
“Neutron diffraction study on Co-based melilite compounds” (poster)
M. Kawamata, M. Avdeev, Y. Nambu
The 46th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, February (2024). Poster Award
“Unconventional spin dynamics in the two-dimensional antiferromagnet FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, K. Nakajima, M. Matsuura, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
第144回東北大学金属材料研究所講演会, オンライン開催, 2023年5月
“Magnon dispersions in a Dresselhaus antiferromagnet” (poster)
X. Pang, M. Kawamata, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
第144回東北大学金属材料研究所講演会, オンライン開催, 2023年5月
“Magnon dispersions in a Dresselhaus antiferromagnet” (poster)
X. Pang, M. Kawamata, T. Hong, T. J. Williams, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
The 45th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, February (2023).
“Muon spin relaxation study in heavy fermion compound YbCu4Ni” (talk)
K. Osato, T. Taniguchi, H. Okabe, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, D. P. Sari, I. Watanabe, A. Koda, M. Fujita
International Conference on Functional Materials Science 2022 (ICFMS 2022), Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa, Bali, Indonesia, November (2022). Best Presentation Award
“Inelastic neutron scattering study on the two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, K. Nakajima, M. Matsuura, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, August (2022).
“Powder neutron diffraction of the new Dresselhaus magnet Sr2MnGe2S6O” (poster)
X. Pang, M. Kawamata, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, August (2022).
“Quantum critical phenomena in heavy fermion compound YbCu4Ni” (poster)
K. Osato, T. Taniguchi, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, D. Puspita Sari, I. Watanabe, A. Koda, M. Fujita
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, August (2022).
“Single crystal growth and magnetism of YbCu4Au” (poster)
T. Taniguchi, K. Osato, Y. Nambu, Y. Ikeda, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara, D.P. Sari, I. Watanabe, A. Koda, M. Fujita
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, August (2022).
“Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectrometers in JRR-3” (talk)
T. Masuda, H. Kikuchi, S. Asai, T. Nakajima, T.J. Sato, T. Taniguchi, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, M. Fujita, K. Ohoyama, K. Iwasa, O. Yamamuro, T. Osakabe, K. Kaneko, H. Yamauchi, M. Hagihala, K. Nakajima, L. Harriger, I. Zaliznyak
QENS/QINS 2022, The Miramar Palace, San Sebastián, Spain, May (2022).
“Triplon Spin Current” (talk)
M. Sato, Y. Chen, Y. Tang, Y. Shiomi, K. Oyanagi, T. Masuda, Y. Nambu, M. Fujita, E. Saitoh
APS March Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA, March (2022).
“Incommensurate magnetism in the centrosymmetric magnet NdGa2” (poster)
Y. Nambu, M. Kawamata, K.M. Teddei
International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“Incommensurate magnetism and possible vortex-induced transition on the two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, K. Nakajima, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“Neutron diffraction study on the centrosymmetric itinerant magnet PrGa2” (poster)
M. Kawamata, K. M. Teddei, K. Ohishi, Y. Nambu
International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“Magnetic phase diagram in the centrosymmetric intermetallic compound PrGa2” (poster)
M. Kawamata, Y. Ikeda, H. Okada, K. Ohishi, M. Avdeev, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
Materials Research Meeting 2021, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, December (2021).
“Metallic conductivity in undoped Ti2O3 films” (poster)
K. Yoshimatsu, N. Hasegawa, Y. Nambu, Y. Ishii, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Kumigashira
Materials Research Meeting 2021, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, December (2021).
“Magnetic properties of Yb141 system investigated by μSR” (talk)
T. Taniguch, K. Osato, Y. Nambu, Y. Ikeda, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara, D.P. Sari, I. Watanabe, A. Koda, M. Fujita
Materials Research Meeting 2021, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, December (2021).
“Spin reorientation in layered perovskite oxyfluoride Pb3Fe2O5F2” (talk)
K. Oka, Y. Nambu, M. Ochi, N. Hayashi, Y. Kusano, T. Aoyama, Y. Ishii, K. Kuroki, S. Mori, M. Takano, N. Noma, M. Iwasaki, H. Kageyama
International Conference on Mixed-Anion Compounds, Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“How to analyse magnetic structure through neutron diffraction” (poster)
Y. Nambu
International Conference on Mixed-Anion Compounds, Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kobe, Japan, December (2021).
“Inelastic Neutron Scattering on Two Dimensional Antiferromagnet FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, K. Nakajima, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
GP-Spin Students’ Workshop 2021 Spintronics with Quantum Beams, online, November (2021).
“Magnetic structure of the new Dresselhaus magnet Sr2MnGe2S6O” (poster)
X. Pang, M. Kawamata, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
GP-Spin Students’ Workshop 2021 Spintronics with Quantum Beams, online, November (2021).
“Small-angle neutron scattering study on the centrosymmetric itinerant magnet PrGa2” (poster)
M. Kawamata, K. Ohishi, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
GP-Spin Students’ Workshop 2021 Spintronics with Quantum Beams, online, November (2021).
“Spin dynamics in Tb3Fe5O12 through neutron scattering” (poster)
Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, M. Fujita, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu
GP-Spin Students’ Workshop 2021 Spintronics with Quantum Beams, online, November (2021).
“Vortex-induced phase transition on the two-dimensional antiferromagnet: FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Kawamata, K. Nakajima, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
第140回東北大学金属材料研究所講演会, オンライン開催, 2021年5月
“Vortex-induced phase transition in the two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet: FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, M. Kawamata, Y. Kawamoto, K. Nakajima, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
2020年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ, オンライン開催, 2021年3月
“Study on the spin current mechanism in Tb3Fe5O12 turougha a measurement of magnetic excitations” (talk)
Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, M. Fujita, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu
The 62nd REIMEI Workshop “New excitations for spintronics seen with quantum beams,” オンライン開催, 2021年2月
“Crystal field excitations of Tb3Ga5O12 in a magnetic field” (poster)
M. Mori, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu, S. Kawamura, M. Kofu, K. Nakajima, C. Urlich, O.P. Sushkov
The 60th REIMEI International Workshop “New excitations for spintronics seen with quantum beams”, P11, IMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan, February (2020).
“Temperature dependent magnetic excitations in Tb3Fe5O12 through inelastic neutron scattering” (poster)
Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, M. Fujita, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu
The 60th REIMEI International Workshop “New excitations for spintronics seen with quantum beams”, P10, IMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan, February (2020).
“Possible Vector Chiral Vortex in the Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet: FeGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Tang, Y. Kawamoto, M. Fujita, Y. Nambu
Student Organized Seminar 2020 ∼for the latest topics of Spintronics∼, AIMR Main Building, Japan, February (2020).
“Magnetic structure of heavily hydrogen-substituted 1111-type LaMnPO1−xHx” (talk)
S. Matsuishi, T. Kato, T. Inoue, M. Avdeev, Y. Nambu
Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama Symposia, Yokohama, Japan, December (2019).
“Magnetic excitations in TbIG through inelastic neutron scattering measurement” (poster)
Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, M. Fujita, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu
Summit of Materials Science 2019 and GIMRT User Meeting 2019, Tohoku University, Japan, November (2019). Young Scientist Poster Presentation Award
“Plastic deformation of the moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi under electric current flow” (talk)
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, J. S. White, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, G. Nagy, Z. Q. Im, I. Živković, M. Bartkowiak, H. M. Rønnow, S. Hoshino, J. Iwasaki, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, D. Higashi, J. D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T. J. Sato
The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering 2019 (AOCNS2019), The Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, November (2019).
“Spatial inhomogeneous deformation of the moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi under electric current flow” (poster)
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, J.S. White, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, G. Nagy, Z. Q. Im, I. Živković, M. Bartkowiak, H.M. Rønnow, S. Hoshino, J. Iwasaki, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, D. Higashi, J.D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019, Okayama Convention Center, Japan, September (2019).
“Kinetics of the magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi under direct/alternating electric current” (poster)
D. Okuyama, M. Bleue, Q. Ye, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J.D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
The 2nd Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai International Center, Japan, Feburuary (2019).
“磁気スカーミオンの相安定性と電流下挙動” (poster)
奥山大輔, J. Reim, 牧野晃也, 東大樹, 南部雄亮, E.P. Gilbert, N. Booth, M. Bleue, J. Krzywon, P.D. Butler, J.S. White, G. Nagy, M. Bartkowiak, I.Z. Quan, I. Živković, H.M. Rønnow, 関真一郎, 星野晋太郎, 岩崎惇一, 永長直人, 吉川明子, 田口康二郎, 十倉好紀, 佐藤卓
物性研究所短期研究会「量子多体効果が生み出す液晶的電子状態」, 東京大学物性研究所, 2018年12月
“Current Status of the Powder Diffractometer HERMES stationed at the JRR-3 Reactor” (poster)
Y. Nambu, M. Ohkawara, Y. Ikeda, K.M. Suzuki, M. Fujita
Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai International Center, Japan, February (2018).
“非弾性中性子散乱を用いた梯子型鉄系化合物BaFe2Se3の磁性に対する研究” (poster)
羽合孝文, 南部雄亮, 大串研也, 佐藤卓, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Barry Winn, Igor Zaliznyak, 伊藤晋一, 横尾哲也
日本物理学会2017年秋季大会, 岩手大学上田キャンパス, 2017年9月
“MnSiで観測される磁気スキルミオン反射の回転及びブロードニングの特異な電流密度及び温度依存性” (talk)
奥山大輔, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, P. Butler, 星野晋太郎, 岩崎惇一, 永長直人, 吉川明子, 田口康二郎, 十倉好紀, 東大樹, 南部雄亮, 佐藤卓
日本物理学会2017年秋季大会, 岩手大学上田キャンパス, 2017年9月
“Influence of path and time on the stabilization of the skyrmion-lattice phases in Cu2OSeO3” (talk)
Johannes D. Reim, Koya Makino, Daiki Higashi, Daisuke Okuyama, Taku J Sato, Yusuke Nambu, Elliot P. Gilbert, Norman Booth, Shinichiro Seki, Yoshinori Tokura
日本物理学会2017年秋季大会, 岩手大学上田キャンパス, 2017年9月
“Dynamical magnetism in the iron-based ladder compound BaFe2Se3 through multi-probe techniques”(talk)
Y. Nambu, K.M. Suzuki, S. Imaizumi, K. Hashizume, T. Aoyama, Y. Imai, K. Ohgushi
28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Sweden, August (2017).
“Magnetic dynamics in the iron-based ladder compound BaFe2Se3” (talk)
Y. Nambu, K.M. Suzuki, H. Okabe, A. Koda, R. Kadono, S. Imaizumi, K. Hashizume, T. Aoyama, Y. Imai, K. Ohgushi
The 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance, Hokkaido University, Japan, June (2017).
“MnSiにおける電流中中性子小角散乱” (poster)
奥山大輔, J.S. White, M. Bartkowiak, G. Nagy, I.Z. Quan, I. Živković, H.M. Rønnow, Q. Ye, P. Butler, 岩崎惇一, 永長直人, 吉川明子, 田口康二郎, 十倉好紀, 東大樹, 南部雄亮, 佐藤卓
日本物理学会第72回年次大会, 大阪大学豊中キャンパス, 2017年3月
“梯子型鉄系化合物BaFe2Se3の単結晶に対する非弾性中性子散乱” (talk)
羽合孝文, 南部雄亮, 大串研也, Barry Winn, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Melissa Graves-Brook, Igor Zaliznyak, 伊藤晋一, 横尾哲也, 佐藤卓
日本物理学会第72回年次大会, 大阪大学豊中キャンパス, 2017年3月
“絶縁体スピントロニクス物質Y3Fe5O12の磁気励起” (talk)
沖野友貴, 南部雄亮, 加倉井和久, John M. Tranquada, Barry Winn, Melissa Graves-Brook, 吉川貴史, 塩見雄毅, 齊藤英治, 藤田全基
日本物理学会2016年秋季大会, 金沢大学角間キャンパス, 2016年9月
“Neutron scattering study on PrTr2Al20 (Tr = Ti, V)” (talk)
T.J. Sato, D. Okuyama, S. Ibuka, Y. Nambu, T. Yamazaki, T. Hong, M. Tsujimoto, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Shimura, A. Sakai, A. Magata, S. Nakatsuji
J-Physics 平成28年度領域全体会議, 北海道大学フロンティア応用科学研究棟, 2016年5月
“Spin fluctuations on a triangular lattice” (talk)
Y. Nambu
Summit of Materials Science, Institute for Materials Research, Japan, May (2016).
“Magnetism and its interplay with lattice in the iron-based ladder compounds” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu, Takafumi Hawai, Taku J Sato, Kenya Ohgushi
23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Montreal Convention Centre, Canada, August (2014).
“Science from the initial operation of HRC” (poster)
S. Itoh, T. Yokoo, T. Masuda, H. Yoshizawa, M. Soda, Y. Ikeda, S. Ibuka, D. Kawana, T.J. Sato, Y. Nambu, K. Kuwahara, S. Yano, J. Akimitsu, Y. Kaneko, Y. Tokura, M. Fujita, M. Hase, K. Iwasa, H. Hiraka, T. Fukuda, K. Ikeuchi, K. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, K. Ono, Y. Endoh
The 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC, , Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, July (2014).
“Magnetism of the iron-based ladder compounds” (poster)
Y. Nambu, T. Hawai, T.J. Sato, K. Ohgushi
The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2014, University Campus Saint Martin D’heres, Grenoble, France, July (2014).
“Negative quantum renormalization of excitation energies in the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Cs2Cu3SnF12” (talk)
K. Matan, T. Ono, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato, H. Tanaka
American Physical Society March Meeting 2014, Colorado Convention Center, March (2014).
“三角格子キラル磁性体の中性子散乱による研究” (talk)
佐藤卓, 南部雄亮, T. Hong, 松田雅昌, H. Cao, 木下正貴, 関真一郎, 石渡晋太郎, 十倉好紀
東京大学物性研究所短期研究会 海外施設を舞台とした中性子散乱共同研究利用, 東京大学物性研究所, 2014年1月
“Magnetism of iron-based ladder compounds” (poster)
Y. Nambu, T. Hawai, T.J. Sato, Y. Ueda, K. Ohgushi
Light and Particle Beams in Materials Science 2013, P069, International Congress Center Tsukuba, Japan, August (2013).
“Excitations under fields of the pinwheel valence bond solid state in the Kagomé antiferromagnet Rb2Cu3SnF12” (poster)
Y. Nambu, K. Matan, Y. Zhao, T. Ono, Y. Fukumoto, A. Podlesnyak, G. Ehlers, J.W. Lynn, T.J. Sato, C.
Broholm, H. Tanaka
International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2013, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, UK, July (2013).
“籠目格子反強磁性体Rb2Cu3SnF12における一重項·三重項励起の磁場依存性” (talk)
南部雄亮, K. Matan, Y. Zhao, 小野俊雄, 福元好志, A. Podlesnyak, G. Ehlers, J. Lynn, 佐藤卓, C. Broholm, 田中秀数
日本物理学会第68回年次大会, 広島大学東広島キャンパス, 2013年3月
“Magnetic and transport properties of AFe2Se3 (A = Ba and Cs)” (talk)
Fei Du, Kenya Ohgushi, Ryu Sasaki, Kazuyuki Matsubayashi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Takateru Kawakami, Yusuke Nambu, Taku J Sato, Yutaka Ueda
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学西宮上ヶ原キャンパス, 2012年3月
“Critical Behavior of Spin Dynamics in the 2D Magnet NiGa2S4” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu
Workshop on Geometrically Frustrated Magnets: From Spin Ice to Kagome Planes, International Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Notre, Natal, Brazil, December (2011).
“Superconductivity and magnetism in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 near the phase boundary” (poster)
M. Hiraishi, R. Kadono, M. Miyazaki, A. Koda, K.M. Kojima, S. Ibuka, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato
物構研シンポジウム’11 「量子ビーム科学の展望-ERL サイエンスと強相関電子構造物性-」, つくば国際会議場エポカル中ホール, 2011年12月
“Viscosity in spin dynamics behavior of the 2D magnet NiGa2S4” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu
1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, November (2011).
“The origin of in-plane spin fluctuation anisotropy in Ba(Fe,Co)2As2” (poster)
S. Ibuka, Y. Nambu, T. Yamazaki, M. Rahn, M.D. Lumsden, T.J. Sato
1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, November (2011).
“Neutron Diffraction Study on SrFe2As2 under High Pressure” (poster)
T.J. Sato, K. Munakata, H. Ishida, S. Ibuka, K. Matan, Y. Nambu, Y. Uwatoko, K. Ohgushi, M. Nishi
1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, November (2011).
“Spin density waves in FeAs strips of the orthorhombic magnet CaFe4As3” (poster)
Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato, E. Morosan, G. Kotliar, C. Broholm
The International Workshop on Neutron Applications on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, Japan, February (2011).
“Slow spin dynamics in 2D magnetism of NiGa2S4” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu
Highly Frustrated Magnetism, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, August (2010).
“Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic order in CaFe4As3” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu, Liang Zhao, Emilia Morosan, Kyoo Kim, Gabriel Kotliar, Collin Broholm
American Physical Society March Meeting 2010, Oregon Convention Center, March (2010).
“Low temperature magnetism of the two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu
ICAM2010 “Exotic Insulating States of Matter,” Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, January (2010).
“NiGa2S4の電子状態” (talk)
田久保耕, 脇坂祐輝, 須田山貴亮, 溝川貴司, David Fournier, Giorgio Levy, Andrea Damascelli, 有田将司, 生天目博文, 谷口雅樹, 南部雄亮, 中辻知
日本物理学会第64回年次大会, 27pTG-16, 立教学院池袋キャンパス, 2009年3月
“Novel frozen spin-disordered state of two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and its impurity effects” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu, Tomoya Higo, Satoru Nakatsuji
The 2nd International Symposium on Anomalous Quantum Materials (ISAQM2008) and the 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop, Yasuda Auditorium, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, November (2008).
“Pressure Dependence in Electrical Transport of Triangular Antiferromagnetic Insulators, FeGa2S4, Fe2Ga2S5” (poster)
T. Tomita, H. Tonomura, Y. Nambu, Y. Matsumoto, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Uwatoko
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2008, Braunschweig, Germany, September (2008).
“Unconventional 2D magnetism and its impurity effects of the triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu, Satoru Nakatsuji, Yoshiteru Maeno, Kenji Ishida, Douglas E. MacLaughlin
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2008, Braunschweig, Germany, September (2008).
“Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and its Related Compounds” (poster)
R. Morisaki, Y. Matsumoto, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2008, Braunschweig, Germany, September (2008).
“Unconventional spin freezing and fluctuations in the frustrated antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
D.E. MacLaughlin, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Ishida, R.H. Heffner, Lei Shu, O.O. Bernal
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2008, Braunschweig, Germany, September (2008).
“Novel phase transition phenomena in two dimensional triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and its impurity effects” (poster)
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
特定領域研究「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」A01&A05 班合同研究会, 東京, 2008年5月
“Photoemission study of triangular lattices in NiGa2S4, FeGa2S4, and Fe2Ga2S5” (talk)
Kou Takubo, Takashi Mizokawa, Yusuke Nambu, Keisuke Onuma, Hiroshi Tonomura, Osamu Sakai, Satoru Nakatsuji and Yoshiteru Maeno
American Physical Society March Meeting 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, March (2008).
“High field and multi-frequency ESR in the two-dimensional triangular lattice antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, M. Hagiwara, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y.Maeno, K. Kindo
4th International Symposium on High Magnetic Field Spin Science in 100T, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, November (2007).
“Impurity Effects on the Power Law Behavior of Magnetic Specific Heat in the 2D Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu, Satoru Nakatsuji, Yoshiteru Maeno
International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials (PSM2007), Nagaragawa Convention Center, Japan, October (2007).
“Spin Dynamics and Spin Freezing Behavior on Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
Kenji Ishida, Hideo Takeya, Kentaro Kitagawa, Yoshihiko Ihara, Yusuke Nambu, Keisuke Onuma, Yoshiteru Maeno, Satoru Nakatsuji, Douglas E. MacLaughlin, Akihiko Koda, Ryosuke Kadono
International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials (PSM2007), Nagaragawa Convention Center, Japan, October (2007).
“69,71Ga nuclear quadrupole resonance on quasi two dimensional frustrated triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
H. Takeya, K. Kitagawa, K. Ishida, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 平成18年度研究成果報告会, 淡路夢舞台国際会議場, 2006年12月
“Nonmagnetic / Magnetic Impurity Effects on the Spin Disordered State in NiGa2S4” (poster)
Y. Nambu, H. Tonomura, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 平成18年度研究成果報告会, 淡路夢舞台国際会議場, 2006年12月
“Single Crystal Study of NiGa2S4: Frustrated Heisenberg S = 1 spins on 2D Triangular Lattice” (poster)
K. Onuma, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, O. Sakai, H. Tonomura, Y. Maeno
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 平成18年度研究成果報告会, 淡路夢舞台国際会議場, 2006年12月
“Ga Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study on Quasi-Two Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
H. Takeya, K. Kitagawa, K. Ishida, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno
International Conference on Magnetism 2006, Kyoto International Conference Hall, August (2006).
“Nonmagnetic Impurity Effects on the Spin Disordered State in NiGa2S4” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu, Satoru Nakatsuji, Yoshiteru Maeno
International Conference on Magnetism 2006, Kyoto International Conference Hall, August (2006).
“Slow Inhomogeneous Spin Dynamics in the Frustrated Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
D.E. MacLaughlin, R.H. Heffner, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Nambu, K. Ishida, O.O. Bernal, Lei Shu
International Conference on Magnetism 2006, Kyoto International Conference Hall, August (2006).
“Single Crystal Study of S = 1 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 on a 2D Triangular Lattice” (poster)
K. Onuma, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, O. Sakai, H. Tonomura, Y. Maeno
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2006, Osaka University, August (2006).
“Spin Disordered States of the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 and the Pyrochlore Kondo Lattice Pr2Ir2O7” (talk)
S. Nakatsuji, Y. Machida, Y. Nambu, K. Onuma, Y. Maeno, T. Tayama, T. Sakakibara, S. Jonas, C. Stock,
J. van Duijn, C. Broholm
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2006, Osaka University, August (2006).
“Single Crystal Study of S = 1 Heisenberg Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
小沼圭介, 南部雄亮, 中辻知, 坂井修, 殿村宏史, 前野悦輝
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 A01 & A05 研究項目合同ワークショップ, 那須ビューホテル, 2006年7月
“Spin Disordered State in the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Triangular Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (poster)
南部雄亮, 小沼圭介, 中辻知, 前野悦輝
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 A01 & A05 研究項目合同ワークショップ, 那須ビューホテル, 2006年7月
“Nonmagnetic impurity effects of the spin disordered state in NiGa2S4” (talk)
Yusuke Nambu, Satoru Nakatsuji and Yoshiteru Maeno
American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, Baltimore Convention Center, March (2006).
“Incommensurate spin correlations in a spin-1 triangular lattice antiferromagnet” (talk)
Seth Jonas, Chris Stock, Collin Broholm, Satoru Nakatsuji, Yusuke Nambu, Hiroshi Tonomura, Osamu Sakai, Yoshiteru Maeno
American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, Baltimore Convention Center, March (2006).
“Spin disordered state of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet NiGa2S4” (talk)
Satoru Nakatsuji, Yusuke Nambu, Hiroshi Tonomura, Osamu Sakai, Seth Jonas, Collin Broholm, Hirokazu Tsunetsugu, Yiming Qiu, Yoshiteru Maeno
American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, Baltimore Convention Center, March (2006).
“Impurity Effects of the Spin Disordered State in NiGa2S4” (poster)
Yusuke Nambu, Satoru Nakatsuji, Yoshiteru Maeno
「スーパークリーン物質で実現する新しい量子相の物理」 領域発足研究会, 東京大学本郷キャンパス, 2005年12月
“Glassy Phases in Two Dimensional Quantum Magnets” (talk)
C. Broholm, Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, H. Tonomura, O. Sakai, C. Stock, S. Jonas, Y. Qiu, Y. Maeno, J. Chung
Workshop on Quantum Critical Phenomena, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, March (2005).
(川又雅広, M. Avdeev, 藤田全基, 南部雄亮)
Physical Review B Editors’ Suggestion & Featured in Physics
“Detailed dynamics of a moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi observed using small-angle neutron scattering under an alternating electric current flow”
(D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J.D. Reim, Y. Nambu, T.J. Sato, Phys. Rev. B 110, 014431 (2024))
Physical Review B Editors’ Suggestion
“Antiferromagnetic ordering and chiral crystal structure transformation in Nd3Rh4Sn13”
(A. Shimoda, K. Iwasa, K. Kuwahara, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, M. Ishikado, A. Nakao, S. Ohira-Kawamura, N. Murai, T. Ohhara, Y. Nambu, Phys. Rev. B 109, 134425 (2024))
Applied Physics Letters Featured Article & American Institute of Physics Publishing Showcase
“Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization: spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb3Fe5O12”
(Y. Kawamoto, T. Kikkawa, M. Kawamata, Y. Umemoto, A. G. Manning, K. C. Rule, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, M. Fujita, E. Saitoh, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 132406 (2024))
The 46the Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting Poster Award
“Neutron diffraction study on Co-based melilite compounds”
(M. Kawamata, M. Avdeev, Y. Nambu)
International Conference on Functional Materials Science 2022 Best Presentation Award
“Muon spin relaxation study in heavy fermion compound YbCu4Ni,”
(K. Osato, T. Taniguchi, H. Okabe, Y. Ikeda, Y. Nambu, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, D. Puspita Sari, I. Watanabe, A. Koda, M. Fujita)
Physical Review B Editors’ Suggestion
“Higher-order modulations in the skyrmion lattice phase of Cu2OSeO3”
(J.D. Reim, S. Matsuzaka, K. Makino, S. Aji, R. Murasaki, D. Higashi, D. Okuyama, Y. Nambu, E.P. Gilbert, N. Booth, S. Seki, Y. Tokura, T.J. Sato, Phys. Rev. B 106, 104406 (2022))
(大里耕太郎, 谷口貴紀, 池田陽一, 南部雄亮, 郷地順, 上床美也, D. P. Sari, 渡邊功雄, 幸田章宏, 藤田全基)
Physical Review Letters Editors’ Suggestion
“Observation of Magnon Polarization”
(Y. Nambu, J. Barker, Y. Okino, T. Kikkawa, Y. Shiomi, M. Enderle, T. Weber, B. Winn, M. Graves-Brook, J. Tranquada, T. Ziman, M. Fujita, G. E. W. Bauer, E. Saitoh, K. Kakurai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 027201 (2020))
Summit of Materials Science 2019 Young Scientist Poster Presentation Award
“Magnetic excitations in TbIG through inelastic neutron scattering measurement”
(Y. Kawamoto, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, M. Fujita, K. Kakurai, Y. Nambu)
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Editors’ Choice
“Large Negative Quantum Renormalization of Excitation Energies in the Spin-1/2 Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet Cs2Cu3SnF12”
(T. Ono, K. Matan, Y. Nambu, T. J. Sato, K. Katayama, S. Hirata, H. Tanaka, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 83, 043701 (2014))